Sitzung „Arbeitskreis Ungarn” während der 51. Jahrestagung der GDM am 28.02.2017 in Potsdam

Die Sitzung des Arbeitskreises widmete sich zunächst bisherigen Ergebnissen und zukünftigen Plänen und dann dem Hauptthema, dem neuen mathematikdidaktischen Projekt der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (MTA).

Ödön Vancsó und Csaba Csapodi hielten dazu einen Vortrag (aus Sprachgründen in Englisch). Nachstehend folgt eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Vortrages. Über dieses Projekt ist auch ein ausführlicher Bericht in den „Mitteilungen der GDM” geplant.

Complex education of mathematics in the 21st century, Educational researches coordinated and financed by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), 2016-2020

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences has started a four year program on methodological researches in several subjects, among them mathematics. A group of 4 Hungarian universities, 14 teachers from high education and 15 teachers from all level of public education, led by Ödön Vancsó (ELTE), has got the opportunity within this project to make long term researches in the field of teaching mathematics.

Our main intention is to save Tamás Varga’s professional legacy, and to integrate the results of the development in the last three decades in it.

Tamás Varga (1919-1987) was originally a teacher of mathematics in Hungary. On the basis of the complex mathematics teaching experiment led by him – whose main idea was a problem-centered education, based on genetic ways of teaching- started a great change in the Hungarian mathematics teaching in the 1970’s. New chapters, new ways of thinking were introduced which have an effect since then. He became a leading researcher in mathematics education in Hungary with a significant influence on the birth of a new scientific field.

In our program we highly emphasize

  • the incorporation of the results of the huge progress in cognitive sciences,
  • to take into account the domination of information technology,
  • to extend the methods of Tamas Varga from primary school mathematics education (where it still has significant impact) to the teaching of older age groups.

During the next four years we will create educational materials – along the above mentioned principles –, try them in education, and thus weighed – and repaired if necessary – materials will be made available on the internet for teachers.

In the first year 10 research groups will work on the theoretical framework of the whole project. The main theme of the groups are:

  1. Processing the results of the 2015 project in combinatorics
  2. The methodology of testing (supporting the effectiveness of the methodology of the developed teaching methods)
  3. The thinking of students (testing and developing the students‘ thinking in the management of open ended tasks)
  4. Tool use in teaching mathematics (situation analysis of the tool usage in teachers’ everyday practice)
  5. The development of problem solving (developing problem-solving ability of future teachers of mathematics by problem-solving exercises)
  6. The formation of mathematical concepts among pre-school children (examining the conceptual thinking of children entering school)
  7. The exploratory way of mathematics teaching – from the teacher’s point of view (examining what competencies a teacher needs to be able to effectively teach in the exploratory way of mathematics teaching)
  8. The international significance of Tamás Varga (finding out the most important professional relationships of Tamás Varga)
  9. The role and significance of the subject of mathematics (exploring the role and importance of mathematics assessing pupils‘, parents‘ and teachers‘ views)
  10. Developing the algorithmic thinking of students

Csaba Csapodi and Ödön Vancsó, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

Das nächste Treffen wird in Budapest stattfinden. Der Arbeitskreis Ungarn und die Promath Gruppe werden gemeinsam tagen, und zwar an der Universität Eötvös Loránd vom 30.08. bis zum 1.09.2017.

Die Organisatoren der Tagung laden herzlich zur Teilnahme ein. Die Anmeldung ist bis Ende Mai möglich. Das Thema lautet: Problem Solving Teaching – Research and Practice Weitere Informationen sind zu finden unter

Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass der Arbeitskreis vornehmlich deutschsprachig ist. Weitere interessierte Kolleginnen und Kollegen sind zur Mitarbeit herzlich eingeladen.

Gabriella Ambrus

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